Uganda Meat Producers Cooperative Union Ltd held its 10th annual general meeting (AGM) on Friday 28th March 2019 at the Fairway Hotel, Kampala.

Among the items presented and discussed were the last AGM minutes, the Chairman’s statement, Norges Vel/Nortura statement, EU/MOBIP statement, Audit report, Budget statement and proposed resolutions. The meeting ended with the election of a new Executive Committee with guidance from officials from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives.
The meeting attracted over 60 participants who included UMPCU representatives from 34 member farmer coops, representatives from Nortura in Norway, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry & Fisheries,
the technical advisor for European Union/Developing a Market-Oriented Beef Industry in Uganda (EU/MOBIP), and representatives from the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Cooperatives, Search committee, Uganda Farmers Meat Company Ltd, invited guests and staff.