by Communication and Visibility | Sep 17, 2020 | General, Livestock Production and Productivity Improvement
There is a need to develop more fatteners of beef cattle in Uganda. These words were echoed by Uganda’s Head of State President Yoweri K. Museveni, while commissioning the livestock resource center 2 (LRC2) of Uganda Meat Producers Cooperative Union Ltd, financed by...
by Communication and Visibility | Aug 21, 2020 | General, Livestock Production and Productivity Improvement
Uganda Meat Producers Cooperative Union Ltd (UMPCU) is hinged on five focus areas in order to achieve its objectives. These are: Livestock production and productivityAccess and InclusionLivestock MarketingLobbying and AdvocacyInstitutional development There are...
by Communication and Visibility | Jul 27, 2020 | General, Livestock Production and Productivity Improvement
Foot and Mouth Disease commonly referred to as FMD is a severe highly contagious viral disease which mainly affects cloven foot animals like cattle, swine, sheep, goats, among others. FMD mainly survives in the lymph nodes and bone marrow at a neutral PH (measure of...